L-i-v-i-n for the Day
What’s up, my name is Joshua Johnson and I am The Ambitious Employee; Dedicated Ambition AZ LLC. is my legacy. This page is dedicated to the good, the bad, and the ugly of l-i-v-i-n.
I have been an excellent employee all my life. In my youth, I was reckless, period. L-i-v-i-n had me making bad choices and bad decisions, which ultimately landed me in a place where most people never have the joy of experiencing. I’m not proud of the actions I took in those years that would lead to a world of trouble.
The term “young and dumb” comes to mind. I don’t mean that I was sociopathic and did unspeakable atrocities. I did not do or accomplish anything that I could truly be proud of. As adolescents, it’s easy to stray from the righteous path to seek approval from your peers. In those days I was unaware that the pride and acceptance I was looking for, was actually holding me back.
My younger brother and I were raised by a single mother and the streets, no father. At times I might have been L-i-v-i-n a little too much. I always paid attention to the good and the bad of life though. So what I learned from my mother was a strong will of determination and survival. See, my mother taught my brother and me how to survive, but not thrive. She couldn’t afford much else. The streets, on the other hand, will not hesitate to kick you when your down. Then spit on you. Then kick you again. There is no reciprocation of love. You gotta learn the right way fast or get hemmed up. You reap what you sow in real-time.
After a couple of stints in the slammer, I had an epiphany. The path that I was on, was wrong. It was time to get my proverbial shit together or face the consequences. Fact: If I Did Not change how I approached life, I knew the only places I would end up would be – dead or in prison. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results,” Einstein said that. Intelligent. He had an abundance of relevant sayings. This one, in particular, really resonates with me for obvious reasons.
There is another thought I’d like to share with you, it kinda goes something like this: you won’t know what you need to know until it’s time. I made quite a bit of money, working installing windows and doors. I was advised to save, they just wouldn’t tell me how. To be completely honest, I really didn’t see any reason to. Silly, I know, but it’s true. The amount my partner and I could pull in in a week was staggering. If only I knew then what I know now…
…work hard for the money.
I have always had a strong work ethic and take pride in my work. For context, I installed windows and doors for over 15 years. I was able to land a great job with no benefits, but really good pay. It was not easy. It was hard work, long hours, rude customers but I was learning a trade and Getting Paid On My Efforts, Not On My Time. In my opinion, when you can finish something that in the beginning seems impossible to finish to the point where you want to cry but finish and leave your customer extremely happy and filled with value plus peace of mind, it is very satisfying. Also being able to make a couple hundred dollars in a couple hours a day is refreshing, frees up a lot of time.
Before installing windows and doors I bounced around from job to job never really satisfied with the traditional 9-5. I installed windows and doors for a long time and was able to make a little bit of money in the process. It allowed me to travel to new places and visit my family, a state away, regularly.
Circa 2015
Fast Forward, circa 2015, the best and worst year of my adult life. Time can be so short. In that same year, I lost my best friend in the whole world and gained him back, but in a different form. It still hurts to say aloud, but I chose to put my all-white, blue/green-eyed pitbull named Cocaine White (Caine for short) down. He was my world. To this day I regret that decision. It was just really bad timing. At the same time, I was struggling to pay bills, long story short. I eventually ended up homeless. I had to call my mom to come and pick me up a state away because at the time I had to sell my recently broken down truck for rent. Talk about spiraling out of control.
Super depressed and homeless minus my best friend, on my way back to the Burque and come to find out…I’m having a baby. Well not me but you get the idea. It can be hard when you don’t know if shits gonna stop. So…Broke, Homeless, Heartbroken, Depressed, and a dude on the way. Sheesh, I knew I had to get some form of income coming in.
Rise Of The Work From Home Dad
I have been with a big box store for the last 5 years and have managed to make it to management. Additionally, in the last 5 years, I have become bad debt-free, purchase over $7000 in company stock, put towards a healthy 401k, and receive satisfactory pay and premium benefits. My company offers me paid vacation and sick time, something I had never received from other employers. I really cannot knock on my box store job. It’s part of who and why I am.
Well, after 5 years of sacrifice I felt like I was missing my son grow. I have advanced to management but my schedule has me all over the place and sometimes it feels like I get the worst schedule in the department. They have me work holidays, weekends and I clopen occasionally. Swear to you, I am ok with these demands, I just cannot take missing out on the one person who makes my life whole, especially after losing my best friend. My son will not struggle as I did. I plan on changing our lives dramatically with digital marketing. On a side note, if you have ever worked in customer service, you could be doing the same thing online making your yearly income in months. I plan on proving that true. Find my training in this link ~~Blueprint~~
Link to the blog review here ~~What is ENTRE?~~